
Fly Fishing

In the search for wild fish in wild waters Joseph Daniel led the way in the evolution of an entirely new genre of fly fishing imagery. He was one of the first photographers to transcend the conventional "grin and grip" hero shot and incorporate a modern, photo-journalistic approach to documenting the "adventure" of angling. Many of the iconic images seen repeatedly in fly fishing media over the last decade originated here.

Favorites Along the Way

Specializing in environmental portraits, indigenous culture, adventure and wilderness, Joseph Daniel presents this portfolio of a few favorite images taken on assignment for publications including The New York Times Sunday Magazine, National Geographic magazines and books, GEO, Rolling Stone, Sports Illustrated, Time, Outside, Sports Afield, Chicago Tribune, LA Times and numerous other publications.

Joe's American Dream

Captivated by the old-style typography used for commercial signage in small town America, Joseph Daniel began photographing “Joe’s” businesses over two decades ago while traveling throughout the United States. At first just a fun photographic study based on his name, it soon became a documentary of “blue-collar entrepreneurship” and a unique portfolio of the common man chasing the American Dream.

A Year of Disobedience

On April 29, 1978 over 5,000 people gathered in a peaceful protest at the west gate of the Rocky Flats Nuclear Weapons Plant near Golden, Colorado. It was called the largest anti-nuclear weapons demonstration in U.S. history. At the end of the day an affinity group of 120 activists decides to extend the demonstration into an overnight symbolic blockade of a rail spur entering the plant. However, this act of civil disobedience would continue, not just until the following morning, but for over a year to come.
Gallery On The Tracks Film